423 Saskatchewan Road

Block 5, Lot 24 | $84,000

Prairie hilltop view of the river valley

It is rare to find this kind of untouched landscape! Block 5, Lot 24 has a high elevation, providing you an excellent view of our prairie sunsets. The lot is ΒΌ acre and is ideally suited for a rear walk-out design. Natural prairie along with green space at the back of the lot complements the natural surroundings.

Sarilia is designed to integrate with the natural contours of the land. Xeriscaping is employed and encouraged to reduce environmental impact.

Property characteristics

  • Frontage: 20 m
  • Area: 892 m2
  • Bordered by preserved green space on one side
  • River view
  • Natural prairie
  • Serviced lot including: natural gas, power, high speed Internet and telephone land lines

View this property in person

You'll want to see Block 5, Lot 24 for yourself, please contact us to arrange for an appointment.

You may find Google Maps useful for planning your travels to Sarilia, and you may also want to download a property map for your reference when you arrive.