457 Saskatchewan Road

Block 5, Lot 3 | $72,000

Impressive river valley views on a private lane

At Sarilia, you can enjoy the beauty and serenity of rural living while still being close to all the conveniences of a major city centre. This river view lot offers smaller trees and shrubs and plenty of wild flowers.

Property characteristics

  • Frontage: 20 m
  • Area: 938 m2
  • Overlooks and backs onto municipal reserve
  • Rear walkout potential
  • Serviced lot including: natural gas, power, high speed Internet and telephone land lines

View this property in person

You'll want to see Block 5, Lot 3 for yourself, please contact us to arrange for an appointment.

You may find Google Maps useful for planning your travels to Sarilia, and you may also want to download a property map for your reference when you arrive.